Growing In Grace Benefits Us
Growing in grace benefits us as individuals, as families, as a church, in our carriers, in our businesses, in our professions, in all our pursuits, in all our endeveours, in our relationships. Grace being –...
Grace of Giving Benefits Us
The importance of God’s Grace is that it serves as shock-absorbers in life, provides strength to fight on and sustains life in totally. Grace being the power of God flowing to us free of charge...
Grace of Giving
Giving is a biblical principle and a lifestyle for Christians. Mrs. Comrade Magagula shared from the book of 2 Corinthians 8:7. As you excel in faith, knowledge, in completeness, in your love, you can also...
Sound Doctrine as Base for Growth II
A continuation from the 22nd of April 2018 sermon, still reading from the book of Titus 2:1-12. Rev. J.V. Mazibuko shared that, Because of GRACE – we are taught to say “NO” to ungodly and...
Sound Doctrine as Base for growth
Rev. J.V. Mazibuko read from the book of Titus 2:1-12 where we learn about the sound doctrine as base for growth for men, women and young people. The verses in the book of Titus teach...
Grow in Grace V
Mrs. Khanyisile Magagula was the speaker on the 8th of April 2018 for the afternoon service. She first defined the meaning of GRACE and that the Lord invites us to seek his favor (Psalms 119:58)....
Grow in Grace – Be Careful of the Yeast
Dr. N. Nkambule shared from the book of Matthew 16: 5-12. She described the meaning of yeast and what we can learn from its properties. Why talk about yeast? Christ is particularly warning us about...
Grow in Grace IV
How do you work personal growth? By devoting yourself in the apostle’s doctrine/teaching. By devoting yourself in fellowship. By devoting yourself to the breaking of bread. By devoting yourself to prayer. By practicing the word....
Grow in Grace III
In the words of Joyce Meyer, “Grace is God’s power coming to us free of charge, enabling us to do what we could not do on our own no matter how much struggle we would...
Grow in Grace II
Grace or favor is the positive emotional reaction of approbation to some relationship, whether between man and nature, or something restricted to the level of human association. Proverbs 12:2 reads, “A good man obtains favor...